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Over the years I have developed and written many liturgies.

My firm belief is that if we give our young people

ownership and understanding,

it will stay with them and be their pathway into having faith in adulthood.

I'd like to share my thought and ideas  with you,

and of course am available to come to work with you.




Well first of all we do, the Body of Christ! You cant have a liturgy on your own!

Liturgy is all about a spiritual connection with God, primarily though the Celebration of the Eucharist, then through the Sacraments and the Prayer of the Church.

In school we can use creative skills to plan short weekly paraliturgies (just call them Liturgies!) in class.

The one thing you must have (why wouldn't you?) is the Word of God; SCRIPTURE! 


We can't see God so we use tangible                                   to help use create a sacred space in which we can become closer to Him. 

But not too much! Keep things simple!  Start with the primary symbols; bread/wine, candle, water, oil. Very often all you need for a focal point is a suitable coloured cloth to match the liturgical season, a candle and a bible.


Art and music can be very inspiring. Just think really carefully about the images you use. Are they modern, appealing to young people, relevant. 


Silence is very important and it needs practising

Develop their ability to sit quietly.

Practice being quiet!

Make it fun...have competitions!

Never underestimate what they are

capable of!

But they must UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE!




Well its quality not quantity, but a weekly class liturgy should be simple but powerful.

Make the length of a liturgy about the same as their age!

5 years olds...5 minutes

6 year olds...6 minutes

10 year olds...10 minutes     etc

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